Effect of administration of a single dose of testosterone oenanthate on constituents of human seminal plasma and serum gonadotropins.

Summary Testosterone oenanthate was administered intramuscularly in six infertile men with oligozoospermia and its effects on serum gonadotropins and some constituents in the seminal plasma were studied. One week after injection the mean serum FSH level was decreased to about 50%. Serum LH levels did not change. The mean ornithine decarboxylase activity in human semen was increased by 100% after the testosterone administration. The androgen dependent nature of ODC, fructose and sialic acid have been demonstrated. Zusammenfassung Bei 6 infertilen Mannern (unter 20 Mill. Sp./ml) wurde eine Einzeldosis von 250 mg Testosteron-Oenanthat (Testoviron®) intramuskular gegeben. Eine Woche nach der Injektion war Serum-FSH um 50% angefallen, wahrend Serum-LH keinerlei Veranderungen zeigte. Der Mittelwert fur Ornithin-Decarboxylase-Aktivitat stieg um 100% an. Es kann auserdem die Androgenabhangigkeit der Fruktose und Sialinsaure gezeigt werden.
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