Trend in TB control in Republic of Moldova: High MDRTB burden country

Background: Multidrug and extensively resistant tuberculosis (MDR&XDRTB) represents one of the major causes of poor treatment outcomes for tuberculosis (TB) control programs. Objective: To analyze the trend and impact of MDR&XDR TB on the TB control program indicators in Republic of Moldova. Design: Were assessed principal TB control indicators on a countrywide level during the last decades (1990-2012) with a focus on MDR& XDRTB. The data of national TB registry and National Reference TB Laboratory (inclusively regarding strains genotyping) were used. Results: The prevalence of MDRTB among TB new cases was 0,5% in 1995 and became 6.3 between new cases and 36.7% between retreatment cases in 2001. During last 10 years, the prevalence of MDRTB has had an unprecedented increase up to 26.1% between new cases and 63.4% retreatment cases in 2011. The number XDRTB patients increased during last 5 years and became on level of 12.8% in 2012. Genotyping of M.tuberculosis strains demonstrated that genotype Beijing and Ural are predominating among strains isolated from MDRTB patients – 66, 0%. Between TB resistance cases the number of migrants patients was very high – 42%. The rate of mortality was in 1990 on level 4.9% and increased up to 20,2% in 2007. In 73% of deathly cases, the MDR&XDRTB was confirmed. Conclusion: The additionally, new measured need to be implemented urgently for stop the increase level of MDRTB cases. Efforts to control the epidemic could be complemented by implementation of infection control programs, re-designing of healthcare facilities, rolling-out of rapid tests for diagnosing of MDRTB and implementation of the ambulatory treatment for TB patients on a national level.
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