Amac: Gulme sirasinda dis etinin fazla gorunmesi olarak adlandirilan gummy smile hastalar acisindan estetik problem yaratmaktadir. Bu vaka paylasiminda guncel ve teknolojik tedaviler isiginda kisa kuron boyu ve diastemasi olan hastanin estetik sikintilarinin multidisipliner bir yaklasimla giderilmesi anlatilmaktadir. Materyal-Metot: 40 yasindaki bayan hasta, gulme sirasinda dis etlerinin fazla gorunmesi ve disleri arasindaki bosluklardan rahatsiz oldugunu belirterek klinigimize basvurdu. Hastanin yapilan klinik ve radyolojik muayeneleri sonucu sistemik ve periodontal olarak bir hastalik bulgusu saptanmadi. Kuron boyu yukseltme ve porselen laminate yapimi prosedurlerini kabul eden hastanin tedavi planlamasi yapildi. Kuron boylarini ideal yukseklige getirmek icin apikale pozisyone flap, kemik rezeksiyonu ve frenektomi islemleri yapildi. Disetlerinin iyilesmesini takiben anterior disler porselen laminate yapimi icin minimal girisimsel yaklasimla hazirlandi. CAD/CAM teknolojisi kullanilarak uretilen laminate venerler dual sertlesen rezin ile simante edilerek hastanin tedavisi bitirildi. Tartisma: Gummy smile tedavisinde apikale pozisyone flap, uzun tedavi suresi gerektiren ortodontik tedaviye ya da daha zor islem prosedurleri plan ortognatik cerrahiye alternatif olarak tercih edilebilir. Laminate venerler ise uygun endikasyonlarda daha estetik ve minimal preperasyonla daha konservatif tedavi secenegi sunmaktadir. Sonuc: Gummy smile ve diastema vakalarinda farkli tedavi secenekleri vardir. Hastanin beklentileri de goz onune alinarak buna gore bir tedavi plani yapilmasi basarida onemli rol oynamaktadir. Anahtar kelimeler: Gummy smile, dental laminate, CAD/CAM A MULTI-DISCIPLINARY APPROACH IN GUMMY SMILE AND DIASTEMA TREATMENT: CASE PRESENTATION ABSTRACT Purpose: Gummy smile, which is the name given to the over-visibility of the gums while smiling, causes problems for patients from the aesthetic perspective. This case presentation explains the elimination of the aesthetic problems of a patient, who has short crown length and diastema, using a multi-disciplinary approach in light of the contemporary and technological treatments. Material-Method: A 40-year old female patient has applied at our clinic stating that she was disturbed with the over-visibility of her gums and the gaps between her teeth when she smiled. Any systemic or periodontal disease was not identified as a result of the patient’s clinical and radiological examinations. The patient accepted the crown length extension and porcelain laminate procedures and her treatment was planned. Apically positioned flap, bone resection and frenectomy procedures were carried out in order to bring the crown lengths to the ideal height. Following the recovery of the gums, the anterior teeth were prepared with a minimal invasive approach for porcelain laminate application. The patient’s treatment was completed after the laminate veneers produced using the CAD/CAM technology were cemented using dual-cure resin. Discussion: The apically positioned flap method used in gummy smile treatment may be preferred as an alternative to orthodontic treatment, which requires a long time, or orthognathic surgery, which necessities more difficult treatment procedures. And, laminate veneers offer a more aesthetic and more conservative treatment approach with minimal preparation, in patients with compatible indications. Conclusion: There are different treatment options in gummy smile and diastema cases. Preparing a treatment plan considering the patient’s expectations play a key role in the success of the treatment. Key Words: Gummy smile, dental laminate, CAD/CAM
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