X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation

The X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectra are best recorded when a highly intense beam of X-rays from a synchrotron is used along with a good resolution double crystal or curved crystal spectrometer and detectors like ionization chambers, scintillation counters, solid state detectors etc. Several synchrotrons around the world have X-ray beamlines dedicated specifically to XAFS spectroscopy. Fortunately, the Indian synchrotron (Indus-2) at Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT) at Indore has started operation. A dispersive type EXAFS beamline called BL-8 has been commissioned at this synchrotron and another beamline having double crystal monochromator (DCM) is going to be commissioned shortly. In Indian context, in order that more research workers use these beamlines, the study of XAFS spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation becomes important. In the present work some of the works done by our group on XAFS spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation have been described.
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