Transparency Master: Crustaceans Parasitic on Fishes

Part IV (Role-playing the court hearing)-Divide the class into two groups. One group is to defend the parents' point of view. They are to prepare some statements to show that disconnecting the respirator would not be homicide. The other group i-s to represent the point of view of the medical team. (Each group may elect one or more spokespersons to present their case. Encourage your students to simulate a court hearing.) A few questions that you may want your students to consider as they prepare their defense or counterarguments are: 1. How is the John Doe situation similar to "The Beating Heart" demonstration? 2. What is the definition of life and death? 3. Is the present legal definition of death in your state adequate to deal with modern medicine? You are to role-play the judge in this court case. You are to derive your decision based on the information presented by each group.
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