Influência do tempo e do meio de transporte no isolamento de fungos patogênicos de biópsias de pelé

BACKGROUND: It is not clear how culture media used during transport and the interval between the biopsy procedure and final processing can affect the successful isolation of fungi. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of late inoculation of skin biopsies, transported in different sterile fluids, on the isolation rate of pathogenic fungi. METHODS: A total of 278 punch biopsy specimens were collected from 47 patients with suspected lesions of invasive mycoses. Each biopsy was transported in vials with Sabouraud medium with chloramphenicol or saline solution and finally inoculated on Sabouraud agar and 2% chloramphenicol after a 48-72-hour (early) or after 72-hour-7-day (late) interval, comprising four groups of study. RESULTS: The medians of isolation rate of the four sporotrichosis groups were 100%. For paracoccidioidomycosis, the medians ranged from 50% to 84%, with no statistically significant difference among the groups (p=0.88). CONCLUSION: It was concluded that skin biopsies can be transported in Sabouraud medium or saline solution within a 7-day interval from specimen collection up to final inoculation, at room temperature, maintaining viability and growth rate of fungus in culture.
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