Does Delayed Retirement Influence the Employment of Young Men

The delayed retirement is an inevitable choice in the development of our economic society. Does delayed retirement influence the employment of young men? If it does, what effects will be produced? How can we deal with them? All these questions need to be considerate when making the policy of delaying retirement age. This article mainly analyzes the impact of raising the retirement age on the employment from the perspective of long-term and short-term. In the short term, the delayed retirement has a certain crowding out effect on the employment of young men. While in the long-term, with the gradual reduction of labour cost and continuous optimization of industrial structure, the delayed retirement has a certain crowding-in effect on the employment of young men. Aiming to the above analysis, this article puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to ease the crowding out effect of the delayed retirement on the employment of young men.
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