Hidden diversity of micro-eukaryotes in Lake Baikal: a metagenomic approach

We have studied the diversity and composition of communities of micro-eukaryotes from two localities: area under anthropogenic impact near the town of Baikalsk and reference area, Irinda Bay, based on high-throughput ITS2 rDNA region sequencing. High taxonomic diversity of micro-eukaryotes has been revealed in both localities studied. However, micro-eukaryotic community from the area under anthropogenic impact is depressed, compared to reference area. Analysis of taxonomic diversity has revealed that community from the area under anthropogenic impact has a trend towards a decrease in diversity. Among the detected taxa, detected Alveolata, Stramenopiles and Fungi prevailed. Sorensen index of OTUs was 65%, which indicates the similarity of communities studied by taxonomic composition. The spectrum of Alveolata and Stramenopiles taxa identified in the area under the anthropogenic impact and the reference area was similar. The main differences were revealed in spectrum of Fungi taxa.
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