A Biogeographical Evaluation of the Vegetation Landscapes of Las Bardenas Reales in Navarre in Accordance with the LANBIOEVA Methodology.

The territory of Bardenas de Navarrais one of the most original and uncommon inEurope. The structural tabular topography of the Tertiary age has been sculpted mostly into badlands in climatic conditions of low and concentrated rainfall, severe temperatures both in winter as in summer and persistent winds. This environmental context configures a steppe-type vegetal landscape reminiscent of arid or semi-arid areas. It is that interest that leads us to characterize and to assess its vegetal landscape using the LANBIOEVA methodology. This method is applied, in a systematic manner, to those vegetal landscapes in order to obtain the data about each assessment criterion and these to be compared with other data obtained for over twenty years in other formations and areas at a global level. The Aleppo pine forest (Pinus halepensis) stands out for its high values and also does, especially, oak woods (Quercus rotundifolia). The lowest scores are recorded for the Kermes (Quercus coccifera).
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