Investigations of Nucleate Boiling Processes During Quenching Based on Possibilities of Noise Control System

A new method for evaluating and control of the optimal concentration of water salt solutions is proposed which is based on the possibilities of sound control system. Water salt solutions as quenchants are used in the practice to intensify hardening processes. In this paper, it is shown that water salt solutions are used for low and medium carbon alloy steels to create high compressive residual stresses at the surface of steel parts and improve mechanical properties of steels. It is underlined that quenching in water salt solutions must be interrupted at the appropriate time to prevent crack formation during fast cooling. When interruption occurs at the surface of steel parts, compressive residual stresses are formed and self-tempering takes place. During this time, at the core, a bainitic structure is formed which has enough strength and high plastic properties to prevent crack formation at the core where tensile stresses could be. It is shown that salt solutions can be also used for quenching of big steel parts like rollers and rotors. The benefits from the technology proposed are discussed in this paper. In the future, organic salt solutions can be replaced by organic salt solutions which prevent corrosion completely.
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