Features of the effect of a complex probiotic with Bacillus bacteria and the larvae of Hermetia illucens biomass on Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus × O. niloticus) and Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedti) fry

A study of the effect of a complex probiotic preparation with bacteria of the genus Bacillus and a microdose of larvae of the fly Hermetia illucens on the physiological parameters of fish has been carried out. It was established that introduction of the complex into artificial feeds for tilapia and Russian sturgeon juveniles during their incubation in recirculating aquaculture systems improves the digestion efficiency and increases the rate of fish growth and body mass accumulation. In tilapia, a decrease in the cholesterol level was revealed, while in sturgeon, an increase in the hemoglobin content was found. It was noted that a probiotic with biologically active agents H. illucens had a stimulating effect on the development of sexual gonads in female sturgeon fry, promoted an increase in the ovary mass, and provided for the development of eggs without morphological disturbances.
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