Control and applications of cooperating disparate robotic manipulators relevant to waste management

Remote handling in nuclear waste management requires a robotic system with precise motion as well as a large work space. The concept of a small arm mounted on the end of a large arm may satisfy such needs. The performance of such a serial configuration, however, lacks payload capacity, which is a crucial factor for handling a massive object. This configuration also induces more flexibility on the structure and requires a more complicated control scheme to eliminate its residual vibrations. To overcome these problems, bracing the tip of the small arm (not the large arm) on a stationary frame is considered. By forming a closed kinematic chain, bracing increases structural stiffness and payload capacity. This crane-human configuration may be analogous to the topology of bracing at the top of the small arm and having an end effector at the middle of the chain. Thus, the large arm does the precise positioning of a human. This topology gives motivation to develop a coordination strategy for disparate large and small robotic manipulators. In the Flexible Automation Laboratory at Georgia Institute of Technology, a large experimental arm, designated RALF (Robotic Arm, Large and Flexible), has been constructed and placed under computer control. Also,more » a small experimental arm, SAM (Small Articulated Manipulator), has been constructed and is being tested under single joint control. SAM will be mounted on the end of RALF. Experimental studies are scheduled to verify the feasibility of the proposed concepts.« less
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