Accuracy Assessment of Very High-Resolution Multispectral Images Derived Data for River Flow Modelling☆

Abstract The increased frequency of disaster events and the need for a rapid response for the prevention and remediation of flood disasters require realization of flood risk maps with very good precision based on high performance hydrodynamic river models using advanced hydroinformatics tools. Modelling performance, topographical data quality and quantity, hydrological and hydro meteorological surveys as well have very important for correct understanding and interpretation of all hydraulic aspects for minor and major riverbed. These are key factors in the need for new sources of data for hydrological modelling and flood risks management process. In this regard the actually development of satellite sensors, data, availability, Geographic Information System (GIS), and on the Hydroinformatics based river flow modelling techniques gives new opportunities in the analysis of the floods phenomenon. Use of the Very High Resolution remote sensing raster images to derive data useful for hydrological modelling is inviting and the answer to the question of accuracy of the data derived from remote sensing images is very important. In the present paper is investigated the methodology for using of multispectral satellite images acquired by Worldview2, SPOT 6 and SPOT 7 sensors for deriving hydrological model data and its corresponding accuracies. A case study using multispectral images related to rivers Timis, Bega and Timis-Bega canal in Romania and river flow model is foreseen for the future to verify the results of the methodology.
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