Breast Self-Examination: Attitudes and Knowledge Among Polish Nurses

Background: Breast cancer (BC) is 1 of the most challenging types of malignant cancer, both in Poland and in the world. Accordingly to the latest epidemiologic data, in Poland in 2015 BC was the most frequent cancer among women and was second leading cause of cancer deaths. World Health Organization highlights that BSE has significant role in empowering women to take responsibility for their own health and is recommended as an educational tool in raising women's awareness about BC risk. Appropriate knowledge level about BSE is especially crucial among nurses - in many cases nurses are the first and only source of knowledge about BSE and BC for women. Aim: To investigate level of knowledge about BSE among Polish nurses. Methods: To assess BSE correctness performed by nurses, authors used the scale based on 4 items. Each item referred to 1 following principle of appropriate BSE: regularity (once a month); BSE performed 2-3 days after menstruation among women in premenopausal age and within the set day among...
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