At the stage of market transformations in Ukraine, the possibilities for increasing the output of products and services by attracting new resources to the economic turnover become limited. The transition of the economy to the innovative type of economic growth is crucial for economic dynamics. The subject matter of the study is the process of implementing innovations from the innovation infrastructure perspective within the project methodology. The goal of the study is to create the concept of an effective system for servicing the innovation process, taking into account the specifics of implementing the project management methodology. the objectives of the study are to analyze the features of the innovation infrastructure; to consider ways to finance the stages of the innovation process from the project methodology perspective; to consider the possibility of using foresight within project methodologies; to formulate the task of making decisions on the assessment of the innovative potential of the region. The methods of the study included logical generalization, analysis and synthesis, structural analysis. The following results were obtained: the basic elements of the innovation infrastructure as the system of organizational and economic forms and institutional structures were developed and described; the elements of the innovation infrastructure were classified according to different forums. the differentiated approach to financing the stages of the innovation process for various project methodologies (project, programme and portfolio) were suggested for using; the use of foresight for implementing the innovative approach was rationalized, namely as the technology for long-term forecasting; the diagram for coupling the foresight methodology and the project methodology of values creation was constructed; the elements of the decision-making task of assessing the innovative potential of a region built by using the methodology of the programme approach were formalized; this approach can be used by regional and state authorities to assess the degree of impact of one or another factor on the innovative potential of a territory as well as to determine the priority directions of innovative development. Conclusions. Considering the methodology of programme management in the context of foresight, the main results from the implementation of this methodology in production can be seen, and, what is the most important, the use of the foresight methodology takes an enterprise immediately to the fourth level of technological maturity out of the five ones. That means that using the above methodologies, innovations can be developed and implemented. Moreover, maximal benefits of the introduced innovation can be predicted.
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