Áreas protegidas marinhas no Estado do Pará e direitos das comunidades tradicionais no processo de governança dos recursos comuns

The Marine extractive reserves-REMs Mae Grande of Curuca and Sao Joao da Ponta aremarine protected areas created in 2002 from the articulation of traditional communities withsectors of civil society and the State. The objective of this study is to analyse determinationsfor common resources governance contained in Brazilian environmental laws and in internationaltreaty. The methodology for this work consisted in secondary data analysis and fieldresearch with conducting focus groups and interviews with key leaders in the two REMs. Thestudy showed that in the two marine protected areas the Council members seek to achievegovernance foreseen in the CBD and in the SNUC. After the creation of these areas, there hasbeen an increased involvement of traditional communities in decision-making related to REMs.Despite the absence of the Managing Plan to guide the governance of these areas, variousaspects of interactive governance have been secured.
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