A comparison of outcomes from a regional Mesothelioma MDT against the National Lung Cancer Audit (NLCA) Mesothelioma standards

Background: Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is an incurable malignancy with a poor prognosis. In 2014, 43% of patients survived to one year following diagnosis in the UK. There is evidence of patient benefit from regional mesothelioma multidisciplinary team meetings1. The 2016 NLCA Pleural Mesothelioma report defined key recommendations for patients diagnosed with MM in England in 2014. Aims: To evaluate and compare outcomes of patients managed through the Greater Manchester Regional Mesothelioma MDT against the 2016 NLCA findings. Methods: Retrospective review of MM cases discussed at our MDT meeting between April 2016 and February 2018 using data from electronic MDT proformas. Results: Conclusions: Outcomes from our MDT are encouraging and may help build evidence in favour of regional mesothelioma MDTs. In particular, active treatment rates and ensuring equity of access to clinical research appears higher than national figures within this specialist service. References: 1. Bibby, Anna C et al. “What Is the Role of a Specialist Regional Mesothelioma Multidisciplinary Team Meeting? A Service Evaluation of One Tertiary Referral Centre in the UK.” BMJ Open 6.9 (2016): e012092.
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