Vörs-Máriaasszonysziget őskori lelőhely interdiszciplináris feldolgozása = Vörs-Máriaasszonysziget - an interdisciplinary study of the prehistoric site

Az OTKA T-046297 program a Vors-Mariaasszonysziget, tobbperiodusu lelőhely őskori anyaganak regeszeti, terinformatikai es termeszettudomanyos feldolgozasat vegezte el. Kiemelkedő jelentősegű a koraneolitikus leletanyag (Starcevo kultura). A teruleten tovabbi 7 regeszeti korszak emlekanyaga is előkerult. Elkeszult a lelőhely regeszeti, kornyezetregeszeti es archeometriai feldolgozasa. Az adatokat terinformatikai alapu rendszerbe rogzitettuk. A keramia leletekről rajzok es fotok keszultek, osszesen 230 db A3 fotomontazs tablan elhelyezve. Dokumentaltuk a keszitestechnikat, kiserletekkel alatamasztva. A keramia anyagon reszletes petroarcheologiai vizsgalatok keszultek. Tovabbi petroarcheologiai vizsgalatok keszultek a paticsokon es a kőanyagon. Elkeszult a lelőhely kornyezet-regeszeti feldolgozasa. A lelőhely objektumaibol 77 zsak mintat iszapoltunk le (1389 l). A lelőhelyen es kornyezeteben talajtani/palinologiai sekely furasokat melyitettunk (osszesen 17 furas). A mintakon palinologiai, szedimentologiai, mikro- es makrobotanikai, malakologiai es archeozoologiai vizsgalatok keszultek. A lelőhelyről ket neolit koru temetkezes kerult elő, a csontvazakon antropologiai, DNA es C-14 vizsgalatok keszultek. Tovabbi, osszesen 12 C-14 vizsgalat keszult a lelőhely zart objektumaibol szarmazo allatcsont es faszen maradvanyokon. A beerkezett jelenteseket (osszesen 15 jelentes) monografikus formaban, angol nyelven, a dokumentacios anyagot DVD-n jelentetjuk meg, varhatoan 2009-ben | The OTKA T-046297 program has accomplished the archaeological and natural scientific elaboration of the prehistoric material from Vors-Mariaasszonysziget multi-period site. Outstanding part of the material is the legacy of the Early Neolithic Starcevo culture. Apart from the Early Neolithic, remains of 7 archaeological cultures have been documented. Archaeological, environmental archaeological and archaeometrical investigation of the site was accomplished. Data were registered in a GIS system. The pottery was consered and presented on drawings and photos. Altogether 230 A3 size photo-montage plates were compiled. Production techniques were also investigated supported by experimental archaeology approach. Detailed petroarcheological research was performed on the pottery, daub and the lithic finds. Environmental archaeological study of the site was made on 77 sacks of silted soil samples (1389 l) and 17 shallow (hand) boreholes for sedimentological and palinological analysis. Palinological, sedimentological, micro- and macrobotanical, malacological and archaeozoological investigations were carried out. Two Neolithic burials were found on the site, the skeletons were submitted to anthropological, DNA and C-14 studies. Further 12 C-14 studies were made on bone and charcoal samples of the closed features. We are planning to publish results in English in monographic form with a DVD attached on the documentation and illustrations, probably in 2009.
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