Patient knowledge of urethral stricture disease in a state sector South African Academic Hospital

Introduction : The knowledge urethral stricture patients in a developing country Specialist Clinic have regarding their own disease, remains uncertain. Objectives : To measure patient’s knowledge of own disease attending Tygerberg Urethral Stricture clinic. Patients and methods : A total of 81 patients were assessed from May to August 2015, presented with a questionnaire containing questions on demographics, ten knowledge questions and qualitative comments. Subgroups were created for patient less and more than 50 years of age, and education level up to Grade 10 and more than Grade 10. Means were compared using the Student t-test, correlations were assessed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and the significance was assumed at an alpha level of 0.05. Results : Average age of patients attending the clinic was 55, the average level of education Grade 7 (completed Primary School). The average level of knowledge for all patients was 46%, with the highest score for Question 2 (80%) relating to the definition of a urethral stricture. The lowest score was achieved for Question 8 (28%) relating to self-catheterization frequency. There was no linear correlation between knowledge and age, and a very weak correlation between patient knowledge and level of education. Conclusion : This study demonstrates that the level of knowledge of own disease is unacceptably poor across the whole patient profile. Interventions to improve patient knowledge regarding urethral stricture disease is indicated.
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