Note on the Discovery of the Human Trypanosome

WE have recently seen in the medical Press several very inaccurate accounts regarding the authorship of the important new discovery of trypanosomes in human blood, and of the disease caused by them. For instance, the Journal of Tropical Medicine for November I (in giving an anonymous description, supported by an editorial, of a case just observed by Drs. Daniels and Manson) attributes the original discovery to Dr. R. M. Forde. It does not mention even the name of Dr. J. Everett Dutton. Dr. Dutton is an old student and assistant in this Laboratory, and is now away on the West African Coast; and we are of opinion that he has a claim to be considered in the matter of this discovery. Another periodical, The Hospital for November 8, while also omitting Dr. Dutton's name, states that the discovery was made “within the last few days” by the London School of Tropical Medicine. We believe that such statements are calculated to distort the history of the discovery, and should therefore like to have an opportunity for correcting them promptly in your pages.
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