A new species of the genus Humphaplotropis from China (Orthoptera: Pamphagidae, Pamphaginae)

A new species of the genus Humphaplotropis Xiao et al , 2013, i.e. Humphaplotropis tongbaishanensis sp. nov. is described from Henan province, China in this paper. The new species is allied Humphaplotropis xiai Zhi, Shi & Dai, 2015, but differs from latter by tegmina of male short, not reaching the hind margin of 1st abdominal tergite; base of cercus not narrow in male; epiphallus with disperse spikes, ancorae broad, both posterior projections shorter than median projection; length of subgenital plate larger than width in female and Krauss` organ of female with 20 keels. The genus Humphaplotropis Xiao et al , 2013 is a valid genus and not a synonym of Haplotropis Saussure, 1888. Type specimens are deposited in Shanghai Entomological Museum, C.A.S., Shanghai China.
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