Spectrally Multiplexed Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference

We explore the suitability of a Virtually-Imaged Phased Array (VIPA) as a Spectral-to-Spatial Mode-Mapper (SSMM) for applications in quantum communication such as a quantum repeater. To this end we demonstrate spectrally-resolved two-photon "Hong-Ou-Mandel" (HOM) interference. Spectral sidebands are generated on a common optical carrier and weak coherent pulses are prepared in each spectral mode. The pulses are subsequently sent to a beamsplitter followed by two SSMMs and two single-photon detectors, allowing us to measure spectrally-resolved HOM interference. We show that the so-called HOM dip can be observed in the coincidence detection pattern of matching spectral modes with visibilities as high as 45% (with the maximum being 50%). For unmatched modes, the visibility drops significantly, as expected. Due to the similarity between HOM interference and a linear-optics Bell-state measurement (BSM), this establishes this simple optical arrangement as a candidate for the implementation of a spectrally-resolved BSM. Finally, we simulate the secret key generation rate using current and state-of-the-art parameters in a Measurement-Device Independent Quantum Key Distribution scenario and explore the trade-off between rate and complexity in the context of a spectrally-multiplexed quantum communication link.
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