On the Possible Fusion-Promoting Factor Secreted from Cultured Myoblasts

In order to find out whether myoblast cells release into the culture medium any substances that induce or promote the fusion of myoblasts, chick embryonic myoblasts were cultured and the cultured medium (muscle-conditioned medium, MCM) was collected. The MCM was then added to the newly cultured myoblasts to examine if it has fusion-promoting activity. The MCM was also analyzed for its protein content before and after its addition to the second culture. The MCM apparently showed fusion-promoting activity when applied to unfused young myoblasts, suggesting that it contained substances that promote the fusion and that had been released from cells fo the previous culture. Analysis of proteins in the myoblasts and in the MCM suggested that the released protein was absorbed by or tightly bound to myoblasts of the second culture. One of the released proteins of about 175 kilodalton was degraded to a polypeptide of approximately 145 kilodalton, which appeared to act upon the membrane proteins of unfused myoblasts so as to stimulate their membrane to fuse with neighboring cells.
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