Geographical and bathymetric distribution of silver scabbardfish Lepidopus caudatus in North Aegean Sea

A study on silver scabbardfish (Lepidopus caudatus) distribution and demographic structure was carried out in northern Aegean Sea from bottom trawl surveys (MEDITS: Mediterranean International Bottom Trawl Survey) during1996-2006. The surveys were performed each year (except in 2002) between June and July. Approximately 65 hauls were carried out in total, at depth range between 10 and 800 m. The sampling design adopted was random-stratified including five depth zones: 10-50, 50-100, 100-200, 200-500 and 500-800 m. Data of biomass (kg/km 2 ) and abundance (N/km 2 ) were investigated in order to describe the geographical and bathymetric distribution. Scabbardfish was more frequently found in the area of Lesvos Island between depths of 340 and 370 m. The hotspots of scabbardfish biomass coincided with the longitudinal thermal front that is generated between the eastern (colder) and the western (warmer) surface water masses during the summer months. The aim of this research was to analyze the distribution and demographic structure of L. caudatus and the associated species assemblages in the northern Aegean Sea.
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