El arbitraje internacional de inversiones: ¿Es realmente el mecanismo idóneo para fortalecer el crecimiento económico en Colombia?

espanolEl Arbitraje Internacional de Inversiones otorga una serie de condiciones minimas de proteccion al inversionista que desea movilizar sus recursos a un Estado que, por regla general, no coincide con la nacionalidad del pais inversor. En medio de esas prerrogativas, se le brinda la posibilidad de acudir a un centro arbitral imparcial que dirima cualquier conflicto que surja en virtud del contrato y/o tratado suscrito con el Estado receptor de la inversion. En la actualidad, el Estado colombiano ha estado disenando un regimen juridico especial para atender efectivamente las contingencias que demanda un proceso arbitral internacional de inversiones. A pesar de ser nuevo en dicho procedimiento, se ha logrado consolidar una normatividad que le permitira defender sus intereses de manera acertada y correcta siguiendo los parametros establecidos por el Derecho Internacional. De esta manera, es importante analizar si el Arbitraje de Inversion puede garantizar o no un crecimiento integral economico en todos los sectores economicos del pais. EnglishThe Foreign Investment Arbitration offers a serie of minimum conditions of protection to the investor who pretends to mobilize his economic resources to a State that in almost all cases, do not match with his nationality. In those guarantees, the investor has the opportunity to attend to an impartial arbitration centre to settle any dispute that could emerge under the contract and/or treaty signed with the investor host State. Currently, the Colombian State has been designing a special legal regime to counterattack effectively any contingency that demands an international investment arbitration process. Despite of being new in this procedure, Colombia has been able to achieve and create an important legislation that would bring them the enough tools to defend their interests in a proper way, by always following the rules established by the International Law. By this way, is important to analyze if the Foreign Investment Arbitration is able to guarantee or not an integral economic growth in al the economic sector of the country.
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