Micromachined analytical devices: microchips for semen testing.

Abstract Micromachined devices (microchips) have been designed and tested for a range of clinically important assays. In this study we compare sperm motility determined using disposable glass microchips and a conventional Makler chamber. The 17 × 14 mm glass microchips contained three etched test structures each comprising either duplicate or quadruplicate analytical microchannels. Semen samples with sperm counts ranging from 21 to 78 million sperm per ml and forward progression scores of from 1 + to 3 + were evaluated and swimming times ranging from 360 s (3,3 + progression) to 770 s (1 + ,2 forward progression) observed in the microchips. Motility determined by the time taken for sperm to swim to the end of a microchannel (100 μ m wide × 40 μm deep × 10 mm long) in the microchip correlated with forward progression of the sperm determined by the conventional Makler chamber method. This study demonstrates the feasibility of microchips for sperm motility testing and suggests that this technique would be applicable to the study of other types of motile cells.
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