Uso medicinal popular de plantas y líquenes de la Isla Paulino, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Popular medical use of plants and lichens from Paulino Island, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina)

This paper deals with the species of plants used for therapeutic purposes on the Paulino island, situated north-east of Berisso city, an alluvial sector that comprises an area of 18 km 2 . Fifteen persons were interviewed, and other data were gathered from the revision of files, collection of plants "in-situ" and later determination with optic instruments, specific bibliography and digital pictures. As a result of this research, we identified forty species of plants and one species of lichen used by villagers in popular medicine. The species mostly used were: Equisetum giganteum L.(Equisetaceae) and Aloe vera (L.) Burm f. (Asphodelaceae). The following therapeutic uses were recorded: abortifacient, antiarthritic, antiasthmatic, headache prevention (anticefalalgic), antidiabetic, antiinflammatory, antilytic, antinephritic, lice prevention (antipediculosic), antipruritouse, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antitussive (against coughing), cardiotonic, depurative, digestive, diuretic, stomach, expectorant, hepatic, hypotensive, pectoral, purgative, refreshing and vulnerary.
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