Analysis of the conformation of worm‐like chains by small‐angle scattering: Monte‐Carlo simulations in comparison to analytical theory

Full Paper: The analysis of the scattering intensity I 0 (q) (q=(4π/λ) sin (θ/2); λ: wavelength of radiation; θ: scattering angle) of dissolved linear polymers derived from static scattering experiments is considered. The determimition of I 0 (q) and possible sources of experimental uncertainties are discussed in detail. Moreover, a comprehensive overview of current analytical models for the calculatlon of I 0 (q) of chains without excluded volume is given. These analytical theories are compared to Monte-Carlo simulations of semiflexible chains without excluded volume. It is shown that analytical expressions given by Pedersen and Schurtenberger (Macromolecules 29, 7602 (1996); method 2) provides the best description of the I 0 (q) throughout the entire range of stiffness. Among the analytical theories the expression derived by Kholodenko (Macromolecules 26, 4179 (1993)) gives the best description of the scattering function of worm-like chains.
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