Projektowanie uniwersalne w procesie rewitalizacji. Przykład odnowy ulicy św. Marcin w Poznaniu z perspektywy Poznańskiej Mapy Barier

Św. Marcin street in Poznan used to be one of the most important places in city, which was full of life. In order to restore the old character of the space, the street was include in the “Centrum I” revitalization project, the aim of which was to revitalize public space, renew the technical infrastructure and calm down car traffic. After completion of renovation works and handing over part of św. Marcin street a many opinions of the users of the space under study appeared, saying that it is still inaccessible due to the presence of architectural-urbanistic barrier. The aim of the lecture is to present how the revitalisation measures have influenced the level of accessibility to the space of św. Marcin street in Poznan. The authors will answer the question whether the revitalization project was created and implemented taking into the priciples of universal design.
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