[Occupational diseases in the petrochemical sector: types and temporal trends].

: In Italy, the archives of the National Institute for the Insurance of Workplace Accidents and Occupational Diseases (INAIL) are supported from several years by a second source of data on occupational diseases, the MALPROF system, based on data from the prevention units of the local health services (ASL). Integrating these two data flows allows connecting diseases and the occupations at the onset of the disease itself. The 2009-10 data from 12 Italian regions currently participating in the MALPROF system show that noise-induced hearing loss represents the relatively most frequent occupational disease (25.3%) in the petrochemical industry, followed by the musculoskeletal diseases (22.9%). Malignant tumors of the pleura and peritoneum follow with a proportional rate of 19%, six times higher than that recorded for the total industrial sectors (3.6%). Diseases of the respiratory system are clearly proportionally more frequent (16.5%) compared to data reported to the total industrial sectors (6%).
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