Northeastern Range Extension for the Northern Redbelly Dace, Phoxinus eos , and the Golden Shiner, Notemigonus crysoleucas , in Québec

In 2005 and 2009, two species of Cyprinidae, the Northern Redbelly Dace, Phoxinus eos , and the Golden Shiner, Notemigonus crysoleucas , were collected northeast of their know range, in Quebec. These new records, indeed range extensions, are presented here with a short discussion on the fish fauna of the area and on the possibility of introductions. En 2005 et en 2009, deux especes de Cyprinides, soit le Mene ventre-rouge, Phoxinus eos , et le Mene jaune, Notemigonus crysoleucas , ont ete capturees au nord-est de leur repartition connue au Quebec. Ces nouvelles mentions, qui constituent des extensions d'aire, sont ici presentees de meme qu'une courte discussion sur l'ichtyofaune de la region et la possibilite d'introductions.
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