LY191704 inhibits type I steroid 5 alpha-reductase in human scalp.

Conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) has been demonstrated to be catalyzed by two isoforms of steroid 5 alpha-reductase, designated types I and II. Although several classes of steroid-based inhibitors of the type II isoform have been identified, these agents have not demonstrated highly selective pharmacological activity against human type I 5 alpha-reductase. LY191704 is representative of a series of nonsteroidal agents that have potent [apparent inhibitory constant (Ki) = 11.3 nM] inhibitory activity in human scalp skin homogenates (pH 7.5), a source of type I 5 alpha-reductase. [3H]-DHT production in the presence and absence of LY191704 is consistent with a noncompetitive mode of inhibition. In human prostatic homogenates (pH 5.5), a source of type II 5 alpha-reductase, LY191704 is virtually inactive as an inhibitor [concentration of inhibitor producing 50% inhibition of enzymatic activity (IC50) > 1,000 nM] of [3H]-DHT formation. LY191704 does not inhibit the type I or type II isofo...
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