Ciências Humanas e Sociais na formação das primeiras enfermeiras cariocas e paulistanas Human and Social Sciences in the training of the first nurses 'cariocas' and 'paulistanas'

aBStRaCt This historical and documental study aimed to describe and analyze the place that the Human and Social Sciences occupied in the first curriculum of the Anna Nery Nursing School (EEAN) and of the Sao Paulo Hospital Nursing School (EEHSP), identifying the similarities and differences between them. As a methodology, the curricula of these schools were analyzed by comparing them and seeking, between primary and secondary sources, information of the contribution of Human and Social Sciences in the training of pioneer nurses in modern nursing in Brazil. It was concluded that the humanities subjects occupied a secondary place in the studied curricula in comparison with the technical disciplines and the utilitarian aspect required by this profession at that time. Key words: Nursing Schools; Nursing History; Curriculum; Education ReSUmeN Este estudio, de caracter historico y documental, tuvo por objeto describir y analizar el lugar que las Ciencias Humanas y Sociales ocuparan en el primer programa de estudios universitarios en la Escuela de Enfermeria Anna Nery (EEAN) y Escuela de Enfermeras del Hospital Sao Paulo (EEHSP), identificando las semejanzas y diferencias entre ellos. Se analizo los planes de estudio de estas escuelas, comparandolos y buscando, entre las fuentes primarias y secundarias, la contribucion de las Ciencias Humanas y Sociales en la formacion de enfermeras pioneras de la enfermeria moderna en Brasil. Se concluyo que los temas de humanidades, el segundo lugar en el curriculo de estudios en comparacion con las tecnicas y el aspecto utilitario que la profesion requerida en el momento.
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