Applicability of information technology in libraries with a step ahead to smart library in 21st century

Smart is a network enabling free access to all libraries those are digital in electronic society. Smart libraries is a behavior change initiative for cyber safety and wellbeing designed to equip libraries and connect library users with the skills they need for smart, safe and responsible use of technology. Being smart means knowing how to guard against security and privacy risks online, download content in a legal and ethical way, research and reference information, as well as manage reputation and relationships in cyberspace. Smart helps to embed a culture of positive technology use, create policies, procedures, and gain access to evidence-informed resources and track progress in becoming smart. The term internet becomes a greater part of normal life and libraries are the knowledge centers at the forefront of providing necessary services to access and assist the community. Smart helps libraries providing a good environments where people can experience feelings of safety, become part of actual and virtual communities and acquire the much needed skills. We think community-based action such as smart libraries will truly drive e-safety as a cultural norm in communities through worldwide. Keywords: Community, Cyber-safety, Smart Library, Skill, Technology
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