Implementing Total Quality Management in Vocational Education.

In an internationally competitive training environment, implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) in vocational education can provide a comparative advantage in preparing the type of work force required for micro and macro economic reforms. The concept of TQM can be used as a management tool to improve the standards of vocational training. Before a quality assurance program can be established in vocational training, stakeholders must agree on what the quality plan is intended to achieve. A Technical and Further Education (TAFE) system must have a felt need, management commitment, an organizational culture, and a strategic plan in place to make improvements in vocational training through TQM. Quality planning is vital for an effective, self-sustaining, and manageable quality improvement process. For a TAFE system, this process may include: commitment to quality at all levels within the organization and especially at senior management level; and (2) the identification of key areas of nonconformance and willingness to take corrective action. Standards are guides against which quality programs can be defined, implemented, and audited. They are important in identifying, comparing, contrasting, and making continuous improvement in TQM. Internal or external standards or a combination could be used as part of the implementation of TQM. (Contains 21 references.) (YLB) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. i.***************************************************************** IMPLEMENTING TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Paper presented at the International Conference on Qualifications for the 21st Century, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand 21-24 January 1992 K. K. Navaratnam Peter Mountney Operational Performance Department of Employment, Vocational Education and Training and Industrial Relations Brisbane, Queensland, Australia U S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Once of Educavona. Research and in,droverne,1 EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERtC1 Th.s doc.rnent has been reproduced as ,eceved Iron' the oe,son or organ.zaon o,.g.nat ng, changes have been made to ,,Drove ep,oduci.o. auantr Poms of v.e. Or 00.^.0,,S stated hS nent do not necessarrrr ectesenI .)",c a OE R. DOS,O,' 0' OC.Cr "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC). BEST COPY AVAILABLE 2 IMPLEMENTING TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION
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