[How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the training of endocrinology and nutrition residents. Results of a survey by the spanish society of endocrinology and nutrition]./ Cómo ha afectado la pandemia COVID-19 en la formación de los mir de endocrinología y nutrición. Resultados de una encuesta de la sociedad española de endocrinología y nutrición.

INTRODUCTION: COVID-19 disease has become a priority for our healthcare system. The resident physicians training in endocrinology and nutrition (E&N residents) have been integrated into the COVID-19 teams. This study has been designed with the aim of analysing the educational, occupational and health impact on E&N residents. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Cross-sectional observational study via a web survey, aimed at E&N residents who are members of the SEEN, carried out in November 2020. The following data were analysed: demographic variables, number of beds in the training hospital, alteration of rotations, integration in COVID-19 teams, participation in telemedicine, scientific activity and impact on physical and emotional health. RESULTS: 87 responses were obtained (27% of all E&N residents), 67.8% women, 28.1 ± 1.8 years, 60% 4th year E&N residents. 84% participated in COVID-19 teams and 93% in the telemedicine consultations of their service. Most have had their rotations interrupted. 97.7% have participated in scientific meetings or virtual congresses and a third of them have collaborated in scientific work on COVID-19 in relation to endocrinology and nutrition. Overall, 75.8% think the pandemic has affected their mood a lot or quite a lot, and 73.8% think that the pandemic has negatively impacted their training. CONCLUSIONS: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has compromised the training, work activity and health of E&N residents. They have been integrated both in COVID-19 teams and in the restructured activity of their departments. However, they have managed to continue their training in virtual format and have participated in scientific work.
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