Research data supporting the publication: 'Structural effects in UO$_2$ thin films irradiated with U ions'

Project: PhD work by A.J. Popel: ‘The effect of radiation damage by fission fragments on the structural stability and dissolution of the UO2 fuel matrix’. The Excel file ‘XRD_UO2_films_YSZ’ with raw XRD data supporting Figures 5, 6 and 7 in the publication: A.J. Popel, A.M. Adamska, P.G. Martin, O.D. Payton, G.I. Lampronti, L. Picco, L. Payne, R. Springell, T.B. Scott, I. Monnet, C. Grygiel, I. Farnan, Structural effects in UO2 thin films irradiated with U ions, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 386 (2016) 8-15, The XRD analysis was performed to assess crystallographic structure of the as-produced and irradiated thin films of UO2 on YSZ substrates. The data were generated in June-July 2014 at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. A D8 Bruker diffractometer equipped with a primary Ge monochromator for Cu Ka1 and a Sol-X solid state detector operating in standard Bragg-Brentano geometry was used for the analysis. The samples were spun during signal collection and a zero-background sample holder was used in all cases. The data can be accessed through the University of Cambridge Data Repository.
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