Induction of apoptosis in Lewis lung carcinoma cells by an intestinal bacterial metabolite produced from orally administered ginseng protopanaxadiol saponins.

The present study demonstrated that oral administration of an intestinal bacterial metabolite(M1) of protopanaxadio1-type saponin significantly inhibited the tumor growth at the implantation site after intrapulmonary implantation of Lewis lung carcinoma(LLC)cells,and suppressed the metastasis to mediastinal lymph nodes.We also investigated the inhibitory mechanism of Ml on the growth of LLC cells.MI inhibitedtheproliferationofLLCcellsinaconcentration-dependentmanner,withcharacteris- tic morphological changes at the concentration of30μM.Treatment of LLC cells with MI resulted in marked elevation of the caspase-3activity,peaking at2h,and a subsequent time-dependent induction of apoptosis during the period from3to24h,as evidencedby DNA fragmentation analysis.Since M1- induced growth inhibition of LLC cells was completely abrogated by the pretreatment with a specific inhibitor of caspase-3,Z-DEVD-FMK,MI fmctions via the activation of caspase-3in the process of apoptosis in LLC cells.Thus,the anti-proliferative activity ofMl against LLC cells is primarily dueto the induction of apoptosis via promotion of caspase-3activity,and this induction may lead to the anti-
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