The case for a Torres Strait Islander driven, long-term research agenda for environment, health and wellbeing

[Extract] Researchers and communities are seeking strategies to manage complex challenges regarding positive health for Torres Strait Islanders – a ‘wicked problem’ for which there is no straightforward solution.1 Proposed models for Torres Strait Islander‐driven research and policy analysis are not new.2 Yet a coordinated model for achieving synergy of multidisciplinary teams and stakeholders for environment, health and wellbeing has remained elusive. Partnerships between researchers and communities are typically limited by project scope and funding duration. Research capacity‐building efforts have focused on individual researchers. This has successfully produced a new generation of Torres Strait Islander researchers across disciplines, including Meriba buay‐ngalpan wakaythoemamy (also known as the Torres Strait Islander Researchers’ Community of Practice or CoP). However, support for local community organisations to drive their own long‐term research agenda is found wanting. Given Torres Strait Islanders’ previous and current calls for autonomy, the community itself is best positioned to determine key priorities and to understand the context for decision making.3-5 How can Torres Strait Islander communities leverage research that properly informs decision‐making and action towards positive health and wellbeing?
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