Circadian Misalignment Leads to Changes in Cortisol Rhythms, Blood Biochemical Variables and Serum miRNA Profiles

Abstract The circadian clock plays a critical role in synchronizing the inner molecular, metabolic and physiological processes to environmental cues that cycle with a period of 24 h. Non-24 h and shift schedules are commonly used in maritime operations, and both of which can disturb circadian rhythms. In this study, we first conducted an experiment in which the volunteers followed a 3-d rotary schedule with consecutive shift in sleep time (rotatory schedule), and analyzed the changes in salivary cortisol rhythms and blood variables. Next we conducted another experiment in which the volunteers followed an 8 h-on and 4-h off schedule (non-24-h schedule) to compare the changes in blood/serum variables. The rotatory schedule led to elevated levels of serum cortisol during the early stage, and the phase became delayed during the early and late stages. Interestingly, both of the schedules caused comprehensive changes in blood/serum biochemical variables and increased phosphate levels. Furthermore, transcriptomic analysis of the plasma miRNAs from the volunteers following the rotatory schedule identified a subset of serum miRNAs targeting genes involved in circadian rhythms, sleep homeostasis, phosphate transport and multiple important physiological processes. Overexpression of miRNAs targeting the phosphate transport associated genes, SLC20A1 and SLC20A2, showed altered expression due to rotary schedule resulted in attenuated cellular levels of phosphate, which might account for the changed levels in serum phosphate. These findings would further our understanding of the deleterious effects of shift schedules and help to optimize and enhance the performances and welfare of personnel working on similar schedules.
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