Zur aktuellen Entwicklung des Methamphetaminkonsums in der Mitte Deutschlands - Rechtsmedizinische Aspekte

Ausgewertet wurden alle 2008 bis 2012 in der Abteilung Rechtsmedizin der Universitaetsmedizin Goettingen zur Untersuchung auf Drogen eingegangenen Laborproben (n = 15.179, davon 2.019 Methamphetaminanalysen). Die Methamphetamin-positiven Faelle (n = 136, m = 127, w = 9) wurden hinsichtlich Alter der Probanden, Blutkonzentration und moeglichem Beikonsum anderer Drogen verglichen, die Proben aus 2012 (n = 39) zusaetzlich auf das ermittelte Vergehen geprueft. Die beauftragten Untersuchungen auf Methamphetamin stiegen im Beobachtungszeitraum deutlich an (Verdoppelung). Auch die Zahl der positiv getesteten Proben verdoppelte sich. Vor dem Hintergrund eines allgemein gestiegenen Probenaufkommens bei Drogenanalysen blieben die relativen Anteile annaehernd konstant (12-15 % Methamphetaminanalysen, 6-9 % positive Faelle). 90 % der Probanden waren weniger als 36 Jahre alt (Altersspektrum 21-47 Jahre). Von den ermittelten Werten lagen 60 % im wirksamen (groesser 10 ng/mL) bis toxischen Bereich (groesser 200 ng/mL) (Maximalwert = 898,5 ng/mL). 41 % der Konsumenten wiesen keinen Beikonsum auf, bei 59 % lag dieser vor (64 % Cannabis, 40 % Ecstasy, ferner Kokain, Opiate und Benzodiazepine). Untersuchungsanlass gaben 2012 zu 95 % Verkehrsdelikte (davon 43 % mit Fahrauffaelligkeiten) ohne Zusammenhang zwischen Blutkonzentration und Schwere des Vorfalls. Moegliche Praeventionsvorhaben sollten sich an junge erwachsene Verkehrsteilnehmer richten, da diese die Hauptrisikogruppe darstellen. (A) ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: All blood samples sent to the Department of Forensic Medicine at the University of Goettingen for drug content analysis (total number of 15,179; 2,019 of which were methamphetamine analyses) between 2008 and 2012 were examined. The samples tested positive for methamphetamine (total number of 136; 127 of which were taken from male subjects, 9 from female subjects) were then assessed with regard to age of the subject, blood concentration and possible parallel consumption of other drugs. The samples from 2012 (total number of 39) were further examined in respect to the offense ascertained by the police. During the observation period a considerably growing number of requests for methamphetamine analyses was noted (amount doubled), as well as a doubling of the number of positive samples. While the overall number of samples for drug content analysis increased, the relative percentages remained rather steady (12-15 % methamphetamine analyses, 6-9 % tested positive). 90 % of the subjects were under the age of 36 (total range of age: 21-47 years). 60 % of the samples tested positive for. methamphetamine contained effective (greater than 10 ng/mL) to toxic (greater than 200 ng/mL) doses, the highest concentration found was 898,5 ng/mL. 59 % of the methamphetamine users consumed additional drugs (64 % cannabis, 40 % ecstasy, as well as cocaine, opiates and benzodiazepines). In 2012, the cause for 95 % of the analyses were traffic violations, 43 % of them with a suspicious way of driving. A link between blood concentration and severeness of the accident could not be established. Possible prevention plans should be directed at young adult motorists who represent the highest risk group. (A)
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