An Unilateral Rare Variant of Plantaris Muscle Belly and Its Entrapment: A Clinico - Anatomical Study.

The health sector in any country has been recognized as the primary engine of growth and development because health is the basis for job productivity, the capacity to learn in school, and the capability to grow intellectually, physically and emotionally. Health care financing is the collection of funds from various sources, pooling them to share financial risk across larger population groups and using them to pay for services received from public and private health care providers. A lot of individuals do not have access to good health care services in Nigeria because they cannot afford it. The major sources of finance for the health sector in Nigeria are the three tiers of government (Federal, State and Local Government), public general revenue accumulated through various forms of taxation which is basically used to finance the Public health facilities, the health insurance institutions (private and public), the private sector (firm and households), donors and debt relief funds; and mutual health organizations. There are two main approaches to healthcare financing- the public and private approaches though the private financing approach is not yet widely spread. The use of public approach funding system in Nigeria has prevented equitable distribution of health care and for citizens to access health care, health care must be affordable through proper, appropriate and equitable financing. The quality and quantity of health services in Nigeria will greatly improve if Public-private partnerships is embraced and Health Insurance program is expanded thus making the Nigerian Government increase their commitment to the health needs of her inhabitants.
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