Calcificación arterial idiopática de la infancia en recién nacido pretérmino con hidrops fetal y síndrome de Down: estudio clínico-patológico Idiopathic arterial calcification of infancy in a preterm newborn with hydrops fetalis and Down's syndrome: a clinicopathologic study

SUMMARY Introduction: The idiopathic arterial calcification of the infancy is a congenital entity extremely rare whose evo- lutive course is invariably fatal. Case report: We present a study case of a clinical autopsy in a male preterm newborn of 4 days of life with hydrops fetalis simultaneously associ- ated with Down's syndrome and generalised diffuse occlu- sive arterial calcification with secondary development of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and myocardial ischaemia with refractory congestive cardicac failure, transmural jeju- nal ischaemic necrosis with perforation and left renal atro- phy. Discussion: Clinical-pathological correlation is per- formed and the most relevant findings of the necropsy are described.
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