Knotted intestinal decompression tube.

To the Editor:— Intestinal intubation is frequently employed in the management of small-bowel obstruction, a procedure from which complications have not been reported. 1 We recently encountered an intubation complication in a patient who had had a gastroenterostomy. The diagnosis was made from plain abdominal x-ray films and confirmed at surgery. The purposes of this report are to describe the roentgenographic findings and to propose a method of avoiding the complication. Report of a Case:— A 25-year-old woman had had a gastrojejunostomy two years previously at another hospital for peptic ulcer. The patient was admitted to our hospital in December 1967 with a perforated gastric ulcer just distal to the gastrojejunostomy site. Surgical closure was performed without gastric resection, and the patient was soon discharged on a strict ulcer regimen. Three days later, she was readmitted with intractable periumbilical and epigastric pain. Definitive resectional surgery was planned after several days of
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