Механизмы микрореологических ответов эритроцитов на действие газотрансмиттеров — оксида азота и сероводорода:

Introduction. Erythrocytes are highly specialized cells; oxygen transport is their main function. They have no nucleus and mitochondria, but they saved many elements of molecular signaling pathways. When erythrocytes performed the transport function they change their mechanical properties, deformed and combined into complexes — aggregates. There are some data that erythrocytes change their mechanical properties under the influence of signaling molecules such as gas mediators or gasotransmitters (GTs) — nitric oxide (NO), carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide. Aim: to study the microrheological responses of erythrocytes on the action of number GTs-donors — nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide. Materials and methods. After erythrocytes incubation with NO-donors (spermine and sodium nitroprusside) and donor of hydrogen sulfide (sodium hydrosulfide) we registered erythrocytes deformability, their aggregation and viscosity of cell suspensions (hematocrit — 40%, viscosity of suspension medium — 1.30 mPa × s; Ringer’s solution and dextran-200). To clarify the mechanisms of GTs action on microrheological properties of erythrocytes they were incubated with acetylcholine, serotonin and forskolin. Results. GTs noticeably changed erythrocytes micromechanical properties. Sodium nitroprusside caused significant shifts of erythrocytes microrheology, especially of erythrocytes aggregation. Sodium hydrosulfide moderately but statistically significant increased erythrocytes deformability and markedly reduced erythrocytes aggregation, but its effects were inferior to that of sodium nitroprusside. Conclusion. 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