Improving Risk Assessment: Toxicological Research Needs

A workshop convened to define research needs in toxicology identified several deficiencies in data and methods currently applied in risk assessment. The workshop panel noted that improving the link between chemical exposure and toxicological response requires a better understanding of the biological basis for inter-and intra-human variability and susceptibility. This understanding will not be complete unless all life stages are taken into consideration. Because animal studies serve as a foundation for toxicological assessment, proper accounting for cross-species extrapolation is essential. To achieve this, adjustments for dose-rate effects must be improved, which will aid in extrapolating toxicological responses to low doses and from short-term exposures. Success depends on greater use of validated biologically based dose-response models that include pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data. Research in these areas will help define uncertainty factors and reduce reliance on underlying default assumptions....
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