Weekly paclitaxel for heavily treated advanced or recurrent gastric cancer refractory to fluorouracil, irinotecan, and cisplatin

Background Although triweekly administration of paclitaxel is approved for gastric cancer in Japan, currently, the drug is often delivered with a weekly schedule because of the equivalent efficacy and lesser toxicity of this dosing schedule as compared with the triweekly administration schedule. Weekly administration of paclitaxel as second-line or first-line chemotherapy for gastric cancer has been reported to yield a response rate of about 20%. Because there has been no report of the efficacy of weekly paclitaxel in the third-line setting, this retrospective study investigated the efficacy and toxicities of weekly paclitaxel used in the third-line setting for the treatment of gastric cancer refractory to all three key drugs, fluorouracil, irinotecan, and cisplatin, used in clinical practice.
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