[Obtaining the beta-globulin fractions from swine and cattle sera and a study of their immunological activity].

: The rivanol precipitation was used to obtain beta-globulin fractions from specific swine sera against edema disease, paratyph and Aujeszky's disease as well as from normal ovine and swine sera. Agar electrophoresis revealed that the preparations produced contained beta-globulin (86 per cent), gamma-globulin (5 per cent), and alpha2-globulin (9 per cent). The beta-globulin preparations were studied for the presence of antibodies against E. coli, Salmonellae, staphylococci, myxovirus parainfluenza-3, adenoviruses, and the virus of Aujeszky's disease. The beta-globulin fraction of the specific serum against edema disease was shown to contain OK and O agglutinizing antibodies against E. coli, having a titer of up to 1:3200, and the gamma-globulin titers of up to 1:12800. The beta-globulin fraction of the specific serum against typhoid contained OH and O agglutinizing antibodies against Salmonella cholerae suis with a titer of up to 1:2560. The agglutinizing antibodies against staphylococci were twice as much in the beta-globulin fraction as compared with those in the gamma-globulin fraction. The antibodies against Aujeszky's disease and the adenoviruses in the beta-globulin fractions were in negligible amounts, and the titer of the antibodies against myxovirus parainfluenza-3 ranged from 1:128 to 1:512.
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