Assessment of pre-flight block planning for structure from motion studies using micro-unmanned air vehicles
Assessment of pre-flight block planning for structure from motion studies using micro-unmanned air vehicles Abstract: Aerial Photogrammetry is widely preferred for mapping and field measurement purposes because of its time and cost-benefit in various applications. Sensors for remote sensing have been greatly improved in recent years. These sensors are used not only for military purposes but also used in scientific researches. Especially, since increased demand on unmanned air vehicle (UAV) and its systems, several products have taken a place in a wide range of marketing industry to use public. Preferred techniques, methods and measurement tools play an important role in the aim, and the scope of research because of the reliability and the accuracy of gaining data. Thus, this study was evaluated and examined preflight block planning scenarios, considering employed low-cost UAV with in the structure from motion studies. The interactions of preferred camera, the flight height and flight speed in UAV Photogrammetry should be well known. The preflight block planning with the help of a few technical information can be estimated in numbers, that is emphasized about captured aerial photos by using UAV which reliable and preventing time-consuming for the scientific researches. Thus, this paper guiding to preflight planning for scientists who are going to employ semi-automatic systems such as low-cost UAV, or micro-UAVs in their researches. Keywords: Remote sensing, low-cost UAV, UAV photogrammetry, pre-flight planning Hareket tabanli yapisallastirma calismalarinda kullanilan mikro insansiz hava araclari icin ucus oncesi blok planlamanin degerlendirilmesi Ozet: Hava fotogrametrisi haritalama ve arazi olcum islerinde yaygin olarak kullanilmakta zaman ve maliyet acisindan fayda saglamaktadir. Son yillarda uzaktan algilayici sensorler ve sistemler oldukca gelistirilmistir. Bu sensor ve sistemler yalnizca askeri amacli degil ayni zamanda bir cok bilim alaninda yogun bir ilgiyle kullanilmaktadir. Ozellikle insansiz hava araci (IHA) ve buna bagli sistemlerin sivil cevrelerce kullanimindaki artisin sonucu olarak urun yelpazesi genis bir sektor haline gelmistir. Dogru teknik ile uygun arac-gereclerin belirlenmesi, planlanmasi ve elde edilen verilerin dogrulugunun test edilmesi arastirma kapsami ve icerigi bakimindan suphesiz hayati onem tasimaktadir. Bu calisma kapsaminda, hareket tabanli yapilastirma amaciyla kullanilan dusuk maliyetli IHA degerlendirilmesi ve blok alimi planlamasi uzerinde durulmustur. IHA Fotogrametrisi calismalarinda ucus hizi, ucus yuksekligi ile kullanilan goruntu algilayicilar arasindaki iliskinin bilinmesi gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle, IHA'larin kullanilmasinda bazi teknik bilgiler yardimiyla elde edilen blok goruntulerin bilimsel arastirmalarda uygunlugu zaman kaybinin yasanmamasi ve saglikli verilerin elde edilmesi amaciyla ucus oncesi planlamaya vurgu yapilarak matematiksel iliskiler yardimiyla ortaya konmustur. Sonuc olarak, bu calismanin bilimsel arastirmalarda kullanilacak dusuk maliyetli yari otonom sistemlere sahip dusuk maliyetli IHA veya mikro-IHA'larin ucus oncesi planlamalarinda arastirmacilara yol gosterici olacagi dusunulmustur. Anahtar kelimeler: Uzaktan algilama, dusuk maliyetli IHA, IHA Fotogrametrisi, ucus oncesi planlama Received (Gelis): 19.08.2016 - Revised (Duzeltme): 06.10.2016 - Accepted (Kabul): 02.11.2016 Cite (Atif): Gulci, S., Yurtseven, H., Akgul, M., 2017. Assessment of pre-flight block planning for structure from motion studies using micro-unmanned air vehicles. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 67(2): xxx-xxx. DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.xxxxx
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