Decolourisation of reactive textile dyes Drimarene Blue X3LR and Remazol Brilliant Blue R by Funalia trogii ATCC 200800

Decolourisation of reactive dyes Drimarene Blue X3LR and Remazol Brilliant Blue R by white rot fungi Funalia trogii was studied under static conditions. The effect of various conditions such as mycelial age, initial dye and glucose concentrations on decolourisation were also investigated. Decolourisation activity of F. trogii was compared with Phanerochaete chrysosporium known as test microorganism. It was found that 7-day-old cultures were more effective than 5-day-old cultures of F. trogii for decolourisation of these dyes. Decolourisations by F. trogii of both dyes were increased with glucose concentration decreasing. In contrast, decolourisations by P. chrysosporium were decreased. F. trogii decolourised 92–98% of both dyes within 4–10 h. However, P. chrysosporium partially decolourised (11–20%) these dyes during 10 days incubation period under the same conditions.
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